
Our Pastor

Rev. Joshua Burden is a native of Caribou, Maine. He is a graduate of Bethel University and Truett Seminary. He has served as Associate Pastor for the Caribou United Baptist Church and pastored churches in Oakfield and New Limerick, Maine, before moving to Greene in 2014. Pastor Josh and his wife, Jess, were married in May 2018 and welcomed their son, Wesley, in March 2019. Jess is a longtime member of Greene Baptist and currently serves as Sunday School Superintendent. In the past, she has also served as a Sunday School teacher, VBS Director, and coordinator of Operation Christmas Child.


The Greene Baptist Church was organized on August 15, 1793 with a core membership of 25 persons. They met in members homes until 1794 when the meeting house was erected on the Patten Road just above the fire station clearing. This building was also used for town meetings. In 1827 the congregation built the old Baptist church, which stood on the present location. The steeple was so high, and the building of such heavy frame construction, the Bath shipyard was called upon to set the framework with the gear used for vessel construction. The steeple was later blown off during a cyclone in 1870. It was replaced and fitted with a bell that, when rung, could be heard from several parts of the town. A parsonage was built beside the church in the late 1800’s. On May 20, 1900 the steeple was struck by lightning and the building burnt to the ground, however the parsonage was undamaged. Our present church was built in 1901 and has undergone several major changes. The first added the basement under the original building. Then about 1953, funds were donated for the addition of a Sunday School. A large addition to the Sunday School was later completed, and lastly, the sanctuary was renovated in the mid 1980’s, doubling the size of the seating capacity.

Church and Parsonage in 1828

Church and Parsonage in late 1800’s


Church Covenant

As disciples of Jesus, 

We have received God’s gift of salvation by faith 

And been baptized as a testimony to that faith. 

So now, as God’s beloved children, 

We covenant anew to serve only one Lord, Jesus Christ. 

With empowerment from the Holy Spirit, 

We will strive to submit fully to God’s revealed will in Scripture. 

We will seek to grow in our knowledge of his will, 

Welcoming his presence and guidance in our lives 

Through prayer, Bible study, and our worship together. 

We will aim to live lives that reflect Christ’s love and holiness, 

Loving God above all and our neighbors as ourselves, 

Forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven us, 

Serving one another and the world in Jesus’ name, 

Turning away from every evil that binds and destroys, 

Away from selfish pride, greed, and lust, 

Away from meanness and cruelty in our words and deeds, 

Welcoming instead the growth of the Spirit’s fruit in our midst, 

Kindness, humility, and thanksgiving with joy. 

We will work together to share the truth of our faith, 

Welcoming others to receive God’s salvation and rest in his love. 

We will strive to be faithful stewards of the time, resources, and families God has entrusted to us, 

Honoring God’s design for marriage, helping the needy, the sick, and the grieving, 

Giving generously to support the mission that Christ has given his church, 

And in all things, giving God the glory and the praise. 


Confession of Faith

We believe in one God, the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, 

Eternal, Almighty, and perfect in love, 

Faithful, wise, and just, 

Creator, sustainer, and ruler of all that exists, 

Worthy of all of our praise. 

We trust in one Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, 

The eternal Son of God, sent by the Father to save us from our sins. 

As God, he also became man, revealing the Father’s will and love for us, 

Living a sinless human life, dying for our sins, and rising again victorious. 

He has commissioned his church to make disciples of all nations, and 

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. 

He has sent the Holy Spirit to empower the church for its mission, 

To guide us and dwell in our midst. 

The Spirit has inspired the Scriptures as our trustworthy authority for faith and practice, 

Making known to us the good news of the gospel: 

That though every one of us was a sinner, without hope apart from God’s grace, 

God loved us and was faithful to his promises, offering us forgiveness, a new and eternal life, 

Salvation as a gift, to be accepted by faith in Jesus Christ. 

We believe that all who have received this gift by faith have been adopted into God’s family 

And are called to bear witness to their faith by believer’s baptism, 

Entering the visible company of Jesus’ disciples in a local church, 

Worshipping together, being shaped by Scripture, remembering the Lord’s Supper, 

Proclaiming the gospel through faithful witness, serving others in Christ’s name, 

And looking forward in hope to the day we see our Savior face to face in heaven, 

And to the day of our resurrection from the dead, 

To a full and everlasting life with God and all his people in a creation made new.